Join us for the next edition of our monthly series where each of our team members at TFP share something their reading that we think you might enjoy too.

Bob Heykoop’s Choice: Moody’s Analytics – What’s the Real Situation with CRE and Banks: Doom Loop or Headline Hype?
With bank failures and solvency questions still grabbing the headlines, I apprecate the more in-depth understanding this article provides as it relates to the relationship between the commercial real estate sector and banks that hold the debt.

Evan Barnes’ Choice: LPL Weekly Commentary – Sell in May?
“Sell in May and go away” is probably the most widely cited stock market cliché. Is this sound advice? What do the numbers say? LPL Research dives into the “sell in May” idea in their May 1st, Weekly Market Commentary. The piece walks through historical performance over different 6-month time periods, historical returns by month and much more.

Drew Barnes’ Choice: First Trust – Monday Morning Outlook
In 2023, we’ve now seen the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th largest bank failures in US history. Are the problems over? In their Monday Morning Outlook, First Trust dives into what is behind the banking issues, provides historical comparisons, and whether or not the problems in our banking system are behind us or not.

Andrew Rhoads’ Choice: The Buffett Formula – Going to Bed Smarter Than When You Woke Up
In this article you will gain valuable insight into the daily activities surrounding reading from Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. How much time do you intentionally set aside just to read? Explore the idea of critical thinking and dedicated daily reading and enjoy the lifelong benefits.

Pete Koury’s Choice: Dr. David Kelly – The Recessionary Price of a Faster Decline in Inflation
Many people are concerned about the US Dollar and its position as the reserve currency of the world. As Warren Buffett stated this past weekend, “There’s no option for any reserve currency other than the U.S. Dollar”. In this article by Dr Quincy Krosby she breaks down her views on why the “King Dollar still rules”

Shane Wolfe’s Choice: First Trust – Market Minute
Dave McGarel, CFA, CPA shares his thoughts about the Fed, a slowing economy, and market valuations. His easy to digest “Market Minute” consciously lays out a framework for approaching the anticipated upcoming recession and how a discussion on portfolio allocation can create opportunity for investors.

Katy Kappius’ Choice: NerdWallet – How to Have a Fun Summer When Finances Fall Short
Summer is right around the corner and we’re all feeling the tight squeeze of the dollar these days. This article helped provide some tangable steps on what we can do to help provide a memorable summer for our families without creating a financial defecit.
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